26 October 2008
13 October 2008
Making The Difference
After a long tour of the exhibition, i realized that people around me who has finished the tour began to feel emotional. Finally, i signup my name as a sign of support to stop the Nuclear production. Then i stood in front of the colorful backdrop, posing with a bird sticker declaring for freedom and peace.
06 October 2008
Remembering StudioYolk
I worked in Studio Yolk in late 2006 and I resigned in 2007. Located at Pending. It was a turning point for me, gaining more knowledge, skills and experiences playing a role as a graphic designer. I can boldly say that it is one of the best companies I have worked for in Kuching. When I 1st came in for interview, I was amazed by the environment decorated in the Studio. That really attracted me working in a studio. I believe that every designers make sure they have a comfortable environment where it can help them release their inspiration on the work.
I once asked my boss why he called his company 'Studio Yolk'. So let me tell you a simple story how did the name 'Studio Yolk' came about. The principal of this company called 'John Huang'. He was born in
After hearing his story, I was amazed and got motivated. During that period of time, I played as a role of a graphic designer for the company. I really enjoyed working on several projects or task given. After completing a task, we would go to the thinking room or the discussion room and hear one another's opinion about the work. I remembered one of my colleague’s work was criticized and he took it negatively. As for me, I remain positive because its a lifetime opportunity of learning for me. We have high and low in certain period of time but we always remain positive.
Yes I admit that I face challenges and even conflicts within the company. I guess that's what happen to every company you work for. John is person who has patience and self-control when comes to facing problems. He is a helpful person. He always open, willing to share his ideas and encourages me to read certain values of being a good graphic designer. We had the same interested in motosport ' F1'. So we traveled to KL to watch 'F1'. It was an exciting moment for me.
In a year 2007, I was also a freelance designer despite a full time staff for Studio Yolk. I thought it was easy being on both side. But it turn up harder than I thought. I had problem meeting up clients when I work full time. Sometimes I would stay up late at home working on the projects make sure I meet the deadlines. So at one time, my performance did not go well. John realized the problems I faced. He asked to decide either to be full time or a be a freelance. I knew it was hard, but I have to make my final decision. Finally I made up my mind and told him that I choose to be a freelance. Meaning I have to resign from Studio Yolk. I hope he was ok that after all he has trained me and able to contribute back with all my talents. I had a pleasant farewell lunch with my colleagues and John.
It's sad to leave but felt grateful and thankful for John who has put alots of efforts on me and willing to see me grow as a better designer for the society. I knew my standard has grown alot after working for Studio Yolk only a year. From that moment, I just kept moving forward and push myself to reach the goals I have dreamt of.